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- on startMovie
- sound stop 2
- tell the stage
- pause()
- end tell
- set the exitLock to 1
- set the puppet of sprite 2 to 1
- set the puppet of sprite 3 to 1
- set the cursor of sprite 2 to [406, 407]
- set the cursor of sprite 3 to [406, 407]
- cursor([402, 403])
- PlaySound("NC_QUIT.S01")
- end
- on PlaySound theSnd
- if Get_PlayDub() then
- sound playFile 2, theSnd
- end if
- end
- on Get_PlayDub
- global PlayDub
- return PlayDub
- end
- on keyDown
- if (the keyCode = 76) or (the keyCode = 36) then
- set the castNum of sprite 2 to the number of cast "down1"
- updateStage()
- HandleYES()
- end if
- end
- on HandleYES
- global CurrentFile, DicWindow, rearWinPointer
- if not voidp(CurrentFile) then
- tell the stage
- SaveSeenScreens()
- end tell
- tell the stage
- forget(DicWindow)
- end tell
- SaveToFile()
- end if
- if the machineType = 256 then
- closeXLib("fileIO.dll")
- else
- rearWinPointer(mdispose)
- closeXLib("netCracker:nc:RearWindow Xobj")
- end if
- tell the stage
- leaveApplication()
- end tell
- end
- on HandleNO
- tell the stage
- closeQuitWindow()
- end tell
- end
- on SaveToFile
- global HDfilePath, CDfilePath, PCDEL, FilePointer, CurrentFile
- if objectp(FilePointer) then
- FilePointer(mdispose)
- end if
- set FileData to Get_UserData()
- set FilePointer to FileIO(mnew, "write", HDfilePath & CurrentFile & ".txt")
- FilePointer(mWriteString, FileData)
- if objectp(FilePointer) then
- FilePointer(mdispose)
- end if
- end
- on Get_UserData
- global HDfilePath, CDfilePath, PCDEL, FilePointer, CurrentFile, TAGS_DATA, TAGS_TITLES, TAGS_LIST, NotePadText, ScoreByTasksList
- set theData to EMPTY
- set save to the itemDelimiter
- set the itemDelimiter to "$"
- put TAGS_TITLES into item 1 of theData
- put TAGS_DATA into item 2 of theData
- put TAGS_LIST into item 3 of theData
- put Get_WasInPathTool01() into line 1 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool02() into line 2 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool03() into line 3 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool04() into line 4 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool05() into line 5 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool06() into line 6 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool07() into line 7 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool08() into line 8 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool10() into line 10 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool11() into line 11 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool12() into line 12 of WasScreens
- put Get_WasInPathTool13() into line 13 of WasScreens
- put WasScreens into item 4 of theData
- put NotePadText into item 5 of theData
- put ScoreByTasksList into item 6 of theData
- set the itemDelimiter to save
- return theData
- end
- on DeleteLIST theText
- global IndexList
- repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in theText
- if char i of theText = " " then
- put "_" into char i of theText
- end if
- end repeat
- deleteProp(IndexList, value("#" & theText))
- end
- on wait int
- set startTime to the ticks
- repeat while (the ticks - startTime) < int
- end repeat
- end
- on stopMovie
- repeat with i = 1 to 48
- puppetSprite(i, 0)
- end repeat
- end
- on switchButt spriteNum, castDown, macroName
- set flag to 0
- set SaveCast to the castNum of sprite spriteNum
- set flag to swapCast(spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown)
- repeat while the stillDown
- set flag to swapCast(spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown)
- end repeat
- if flag = 1 then
- do(macroName)
- end if
- end
- on swapCast spriteNum, SaveCast, castDown
- if rollOver(spriteNum) then
- set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to the number of cast castDown
- updateStage()
- return 1
- else
- set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to the number of cast SaveCast
- updateStage()
- return 0
- end if
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool01 theMode
- global WasInPathTool01
- set WasInPathTool01 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool01
- global WasInPathTool01
- return WasInPathTool01
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool02 theMode
- global WasInPathTool02
- set WasInPathTool02 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool02
- global WasInPathTool02
- return WasInPathTool02
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool03 theMode
- global WasInPathTool03
- set WasInPathTool03 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool03
- global WasInPathTool03
- return WasInPathTool03
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool04 theMode
- global WasInPathTool04
- set WasInPathTool04 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool04
- global WasInPathTool04
- return WasInPathTool04
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool05 theMode
- global WasInPathTool05
- set WasInPathTool015 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool05
- global WasInPathTool05
- return WasInPathTool05
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool06 theMode
- global WasInPathTool06
- set WasInPathTool06 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool06
- global WasInPathTool06
- return WasInPathTool06
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool07 theMode
- global WasInPathTool07
- set WasInPathTool07 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool07
- global WasInPathTool07
- return WasInPathTool07
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool08 theMode
- global WasInPathTool08
- set WasInPathTool08 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool08
- global WasInPathTool08
- return WasInPathTool08
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool09 theMode
- global WasInPathTool09
- set WasInPathTool09 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool09
- global WasInPathTool09
- return WasInPathTool09
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool10 theMode
- global WasInPathTool10
- set WasInPathTool10 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool10
- global WasInPathTool10
- return WasInPathTool10
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool11 theMode
- global WasInPathTool11
- set WasInPathTool11 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool11
- global WasInPathTool11
- return WasInPathTool11
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool12 theMode
- global WasInPathTool12
- set WasInPathTool12 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool12
- global WasInPathTool12
- return WasInPathTool12
- end
- on Set_WasInPathTool13 theMode
- global WasInPathTool13
- set WasInPathTool13 to Get_SeenINPath()
- end
- on Get_WasInPathTool13
- global WasInPathTool13
- return WasInPathTool13
- end